Thursday 13 September 2012

What Would Barbie Do?

It's been a spell since I've blogged about anything going on in my life. Here's why. I am in the process of changing everything in my life.

The best motivational speakers I know often address the issue of welcoming change. And moving forward with an idea immediately, as you never know how much time you have to move forward with your dreams.

This past May I decided to do just that, but there's been a slight snag in the plans...

You see, the little issue is, I'm being forced to wait at every turn. This isn't going over very well. I am a Gemini and if I decide to shift something I want the change yesterday.

So, why is that the people who are scared of change, and who are resistant to the situations ahead of them, get all the luck? Why is it things happen to these people at a phenomenally fast rate? All the while there are “the others,” People much like myself, whom are begging for things to go faster. And yet everything seems paused and all I can do is to sit and collect dust.

  • My business plan is done.
  • All the numbers are calculated.
  • I've talked with my mentors.
  • I've taken courses.
  • I've reviewed my findings with experts.
  • I've consulted the cards.
  • I've rolled the dice.
  • I've looked at the stars.
  • I've flickered the lights on and off.
  • and I've talked to the cat. 
Every meeting I've tried to schedule to move forward has been cancelled due to some crazy unforeseen circumstance. I've been put on hold for some reason while the universe is reminding me that it is ultimately in charge.

And while I wait for the ball to drop I have to look at my stack of books and papers on the floor and try not to think of the success similar plans are bringing other people. I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that the cost of this bit of paper and information is next to nothing, but it will result in a multimillion dollar international business when I am allowed to put it into action.

The morning after one of my most exciting potential meetings was cancelled I found myself looking at the clock in my car. It was 4:56 a.m. And I was about to turn into work at the part time job I've had for 11-years. And I was debating on weather or not I wanted to just keep driving, or, turn into the parking lot at work.

I went to work...

I can't begin to explain how much I am done with this place. It's an awesome place to work, I'm treated well, the pay amazing (When I leave they will be able to hire two people to replace me for less cost it takes to keep me there). But it was never, ever, ever, what I wanted, or, what I intended to end up doing. But, I must be grateful as it is providing for my life as I know it. For now...

Here are some of the revelations I've had at “work.”

In the minds of the many there is no simple way I can go from a mindless part-time merchandising job in a big box store to the president of an international real estate development and holdings company. On paper I've already made this happen. And I am ready for this change. But, anyone who has known me for the past 11-years can't seem to get their head around it.


My next challenge was being able to continue doing the simple, mindless job I've done for the past decade without being crass. When I started my job that morning I was greeted with a pallet of Always Extra Absorbent Extra long, Under-things liners. It was my task to re-merchandise this item for optimum sales. (My thought pattern went something like this all morning: president of my own amazing group of companies vs. Something that is pretty much a diaper for “heavy flow days.”)

It was at that moment a wave of euphoria came over me. I realized that as soon as I accepted what my current life task was, in that moment, I understood absolute rage.

I could hear the sun.

It's not anger, or, freaking out. Absolute rage is a meditative state that your body goes into far after you've surpassed any meagre emotions, which aren't relevant to the situation at hand. The best thing about this state is that once you are at the total manifestation of anger nothing can make you more angry. Absolute zero is absolute zero. There is nothing colder than that, When you've reached that temperature – you're there.

Add to this state, I realized that I, master of manifestation, have been telling everyone I will be going ahead my my project in the Fall. “Everything will come together in the Fall.” (The Fall doesn't start until September 21st and It goes through December 21st. I may have intended this pause unintentionally...Figures. I've recently altered that intention and I'll see if it makes any changes.

I've been in this state for quite sometime and I've grown to be OK with it. Well, other than whole “in the fall” realization. I'm still pissed off at how literal the universe can be.

Yesterday, I was chatting with my supervisor at work about my debacle, as well as, everything else I've been feeling. She understood. Then calmly pointed out the display of product behind me. (Which I am also “in-charge” of stocking.) It was the Stylin' Barbie Make Up Bag ($18.99, an amazing gift for your special princess). 

She calmly pointed at the 7` tall pallet of trademark Mattel pink, looked at me and said “What would Barbie do?” ​ 

Of course I burst out laughing, It was the most hilarious and insightful thing anyone could have said. Barbie can do anything! She's been an actress, a domestic diva, a nurse, and astronaut, a beach bunny, a teacher, a veterinarian, a nun, a proctologist – the list is endless.

What Would Barbie Do:
  • Barbie would do her hair.
  • While that was in process; Barbie would send Ken out to Starbucks for a Grandé, Double Espresso, Soy milk Chai Latté – Two pumps, No Foam, 168 degrees and lightly dusted with Nutmeg and Cinnamon. NO! FOAM!
  • Barbie would pick out a form-flattering, yet authoritative, suit to wear. And then accessorize it  with putting on her favourite pearl necklace. A gift from her dear friend – G.I. Joe.
  • Barbie would enjoy her massive extra-caffeinated vase of liquid heaven with a Mayan Chocolate & Exotic Spice Biscotti (Which Ken KNEW to get from a little Italian bakery just down the road – He doesn't even have to be asked to fetch the delectable, double-baked cookie. Not anymore that is...)
  • Barbie would never address a situation without being “confident and alert.” (Or, put-together aesthetically and jacked-up on caffeine.)
  • In her Zen-like state; Barbie would tell me, “Make peace with the situation, things never stay the same. Things are always shifting; either in the seen, or, in the unseen.”
  • Barbie would look right into my soul and say, “Change is on its way. And you must keep yourself fabulous until you are given an obvious sign to forge ahead.”
  • Barbie would tell me to do what I need to for me. And not give give a rats ass about what anyone else thinks of my plans, or, the pace I am working at them.
  • Barbie would celebrate this epiphany by sharing a piece of imported Swiss chocolate, fresh organic strawberries with a glass of slightly cooled 2006 Beaujolais in vintage Swarovski crystal goblets.
And that, my friends, is what Barbie would do.
What are the lessons here:
  • If you've done your best, that is the best you can do. Everything will fall into place as it is supposed to.
  • Until that time occurs, be kind to yourself. Enjoy the stillness as things will be crazy soon enough.
  • Always consider what Barbie would do. You'd be surprised at her insight. Although I wouldn't recommend trying to walk a mile in her shoes – They are tiny, and very pointy.

I know that my plans will manifest soon enough. It's inevitable at this point. So, I'm going to do what Barbie would do. I'm off to fetch some wine. (OK, let's be honest. She'd make Ken get the wine. But you get the idea.)

I'll keep you up to date on whatever shift happens. When it happens.
( Not every Princess wants a Stylin' Make Up Bag. Little Princess Elluna is more than thrilled with the box. As long as there is fresh white tissue paper in the bottom of it anyway. Old tissue paper doesn't "crinkle" as good as the fresh stuff.) 


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