Thursday 9 February 2012

Reappearing Ring

Hi everyone!

This has been an amazing week for me. Business is really picking up and I’ve made significant progress with my personal goals. Horray!

I do have an interesting story to share. My life is filled with seemingly magical events. I’ve grown used to unexplainable things happening to me on a regular basis. But now that I have a blog I am able to share them with my followers.

I was invited to a dinner party on Tuesday. This is a common event, I was thrilled to go and visit with friends. I decided I wanted to dress up a bit as I needed to ware clothes other than my “comfy house clothes” for a change. Included in my “going out look” were the silver rings I wear to go and have fun. The last time I wore them was on January 9th to a post Christmas party. They were put neatly in a container in my bedroom on a cabinet next to my clothes.

I was missing one.

Since I wear all five of them or none of them, this was odd. I knew I had the missing ring on my left index finger at the last party I attended. And since the rest were safely in the container there is no reason for it to be missing.

“Hmm,” I thought, “I’ll just ask for it to be found. I know I’ll come across it.” So I did.

Here is something to ponder. The container I keep my rings in is roughly 12 feet away from my bed. Due to the nice weather we’ve been having in Southern Ontario recently I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning. Including: taking my floor mats out to the balcony and shaking the cat hair and dust out of them, as well as airing them out. During the past seven days I’ve completely taken apart my bed and washed everything. All of this was in addition to the regular vacuuming and dusting. If the ring was on the floor I would have found it in my clean-up process.

I just assumed it fell into a shoe, and I’d have to go through each of them. I knew I’d find it. But I needed to concentrate my energy on having fun.

When I came home from the party I put my rings away, and proceeded with my usual “going to bed” routine.

When I woke up the next morning, I flung the covers off of me and heard the familiar sound of “ting-tingting-ting…” a small metal circular object hitting the floor which was launched off of the covers when I flung them back.

It was the ring. (See it on my finger here  - It's a Celtic Knot pattern, for power.)

Let’s recap: (With Bullets!)

  • The last time I wore all five rings was on January 9th, And I have photos with me wearing them (none of which are appropriate to share with the internet…)
  • I keep my rings in a container on the dresser 12 feet away from my bed.
  • During the past week all the bedding was washed.
  • During the past week all the mats were taken outside and shaken.
  • During the past week I’ve dusted and vacuumed my bedroom.
  • In terms of rustling the sheets on the bed, getting into bed is significantly more difficult than getting out of bed. I should have noticed something getting into bed.
  • I am meticulously clean – the bed is made and “crisp” looking everyday…

 During the night, the ring manifested through some means, on my bed. Princess Elluna usually puts things in my shoes for me to find. So, this was something new. (I'm going to say confidently that this is one example of Public Intention #5 "At least three absolutely hilarious stories which can only be credited to the Law of Attraction working in my favour." And, of course,  #7 Weekly examples of the law of attraction working in my life.)

What can you take from this? (More Bullets!)

  • Ask for assistance.
  • Know you’ll get it.
  • Expect Miracles. 

Have Fun!

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