Tuesday 24 January 2012

Lucky Number 8

My cat, Little Princess Elluna, loves to play with everyday things I happen to find. (You can see a picture of her here: http://yfrog.com/obr5srfj ) Recently I found something that looks like a giant hair elastic. It’s soft. I can fling it across the room. She’s enamored with it.

Yesterday I launched it across the room just before I jumped into the shower. It landed in one of the cardboard boxes I have scattered about the loft for her (also a favourite thing of hers). When I was done the shower I walked into my kitchen and noticed that she had carried the soft elastic into my kitchen and left it on my mat in front of the sink. What she had done was worked with the universe at giving me "a sign." (This is intention #2 in action.) She did one of her many “Magical Kitty Princess” things and did something which stopped me in my tracks.

I am always open to receiving signs from the universe. And numbers are an easy way this is communicated. It has to be obvious though, which I think this is. Check out the picture here: (http://yfrog.com/mv5i52j )  What is even more awesome is that all of this manifested on January 23rd which was the new moon, and The first day of Chinese New Year. (Welcome Dragon!)

Ah yes, the number 8, also known as the symbol for infinity. And it’s in a larger “0” – something interesting is about to happen.

If you are asking for signs from the universe and you would like one of those signs to be numbers – find a book of “meaning of numbers” that suits you and stick with it. There are many different books, but most are similar in content.

In the book I have chosen the number 8 means:  “A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career, or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means, "The crops are ripe. Don't wait to pick and enjoy them." In other words, don't procrastinate making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor. It also says Abundant financial wealth is on its way for you.

The zero means: “A message from the Divine, signifying that the impending endings are part of your overall Divine plan. They are answers to your prayers, and in alignment with universe’s will for you. Ask for help allay any fears or worries you may have about these upcoming changes.

As you can see the “8” in the “0” are telling me some really interesting things are about to happen. I’ll keep you in the loop as to what manifests.

Thanks “fur” the sign Princess! (BAH-HaHa!)

What can you use from my story?

Ask for signs to help guide you on your path. Be specific with what resources you will be consulting when you get a sign. For example, chose books that give the meanings of numbers, animals, symbols etc...and stick with them exclusively. When you get a sign you will have to trust that it is meant for you. Don't second guess its meaning. Expect that the signs will be obvious. (Just like the 8) When something does happen it feels surreal - and that is how you know you're on the right path!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

"Sure, I'll take that... "

I’ve discovered that manifesting constantly is quite the process. You really do have to be working at it all the time. Although I only have 10 Public intentions on this blog, I do have several intentions that are on-going in order to maintain constant attraction. For example: “I am always attracting gifts, tips, wins, free things etc. I am super-lucky! I am always at the right place at the right time.” 

Having an intention like these really helps things along, especially when you have a public intention that you want things to happen on a weekly basis to chat about…

Here are some of the fun things I was able to manifest this week:

During the weekend I was called over to my neighbours. This is a common request as we are good friends. When I got there we shared stories of our week etc…But what was most interesting is when she pulled out a vintage cow hide leather Jacket. She bought it in Tobermory 20-years ago for $5 at the local thrift store and never wore it. Recently she was at our local magical thrift store (a place I will continue to mention) and she bought some awesome coats just as cheap. She never wore the hide jacket. And it still looks new, but regardless of that she wanted me to have it. This is awesome! As I love clothes! She also made me dinner…We both hate eating alone. And that is why I am extra grateful for friends who can’t cook for just one.

That brings me to the other cool thing I drew into my life this week. And that was food. Holy doodle my fridge and cupboards are full! Between $1 sales at the local store and leftovers from a variety of events I've been to, I’m eating like a king! Now this may seem like a simple thing, but I didn’t have to spend excessive money on eating. Being grateful for gifts only brings more gifts and allows you to give more yourself.

What can you take from my story?

Things to keep in mind as you’re manifesting: Be grateful for the smallest things. And expect gifts, tips, and free things. Don’t forget to maintain a balance though. Be sure to give things you’re not using away or donate items to those in need.

I have a good friend coming to visit tomorrow through Tuesday. We’re both very intuitive and great at attracting things. I know I’ll have interesting things to talk about soon…

Tuesday 10 January 2012

I got my "SWAGer" Back!

Now that the shenanigans of the holidays are over life seems to have returned to normal. During the holidays I managed to manifest some really neat things. I wanted to get my dad some new shirts. He has lost some weight and needed to show off his physique. And of course I wanted nice shirts – for cheap. And that is exactly what I got! Well-made shirts on clearance for $3.97. I bought him three. The savings allowed me to purchase some other nice things for him too!

Regarding my public manifestations I am intending on at least one really good story to tell you a week. I have the perfect example of Random Manifestation #4 The Law of Attraction in Action.

In the town I live in we are fortunate enough to have "The Magical Thrift Store." It’s not called that, but magic seems to happen there…as whenever you really need something it just shows up there.

I wanted to test out my manifestation abilities and I KNEW I would find something there that I needed, and that wanted. I stated that I wanted whatever this thing is to be really cheap. On Wednesday I had some extra time on my hands and I ventured out to the store. I walked in totally open minded to getting something without knowing what I was looking for, but I knew it would be awesome.

It was quite busy, so I was battling a variety of people who were also looking for random treasure. Nothing is more fun than a bunch of bored senior citizens with tiny shopping carts in a cramped space…After looking though the art, the records and the furniture I stumbled across a nifty vintage swag lamp. (I've had two in the past and I really enjoyed them in my loft. The issue was that both of the other lamps fell...I "needed" a new vintage swag lamp.) I picked it up and looked at the price. The little blue sticker had $4.50 on it. "DONE!" I said to myself and headed to the cashier. (Laughing to myself, of course.) 

When I handed the inexpensive vintage lamp to the cashier she rang it into the till and told me "That will be 50 cents dear." I looked at her stunned and she pointed at a sign in the window that I completely missed, that all blue sticker items are .50 cents for the day.


IT came with a light bulb too! That's $0.50 alone...It's been installed, I used the savings to by heavy-duty metal hooks to ensure there isn't a swag lamp #4. You can check it out here: http://yfrog.com/ntgff1j

What can you apply from my story?
Well, when you have an urge to do something, trust it. I had no idea what I wanted at the thrift store, but I knew it would be good. And I trusted my intuition to go to the store on Wednesday. I attracted something I needed that was also laughably inexpensive. The lamp must have been there a while as this store runs “promotions” on coloured sticker items they cannot seem to unload. The fact I went to the store on the one day $0.50 is another demonstration of attraction in action. Especially as they have only ever done 50%off sales before. The $0.50 sale is new. (I asked the other thrift store addicts and they haven’t ever seen that either.) 

Happy Manifesting!